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Question ID 7859

Evaluate the set of SQL statements: CREATE TABLE dept (deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCNAR2(14), 1oc VARCNAR2 (13)); ROLLBACK; DESCRIBE DEPT What is true about the set?

Option A

The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table.

Option B

The ROLLBACK statement frees the storage space occupies by the DEPT table.

Option C

The DESCRIBE DEPT statement returns an error ORA-04043: object DEPT does not exist.

Option D

The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table only if there is a COMMIT statement introduced before the ROLLBACK statement.

Correct Answer A
Explanation Explanation/Reference: Explanation: The structure of the DEPT table will be displayed because the CREATE TABLE statement is DDL operation and it cannot be rolled back because implicit commit occurs on the database when a user exits SQL*Plus or issues a data-definition language (DDL) command such as a create table statement, user to create a database object, or an alter table statement, used to alter a database object. Incorrect Answers B: The ROLLBACK statement has nothing to do with the storage space of the DEPT table. C: The DESCRIBE DEPT statement does not produce the error. It displays the structure of the DEPT table. D: The COMMIT statement does not need to be introduced because implicit commit occurs on the database after creation of the table. OCP Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL Exam Guide, Jason Couchman, p. 281-283 Chapter 6: Manipulating Oracle Data

Question ID 7861

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables: EMPLOYEESColumn name Data type Remarks EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key EMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2 (20) SALARY NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID COLUMN DEPARTMENT ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT ID column of the DEPARTMENTS table DEPARTMENTSColumn name Data type Remarks DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key DEPARTMENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) MGR_ID NUMBER References MGR_ID column of the EMPLOYEES table Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT employee_id, e.department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e. department_id = d.department_id; Which SQL statement is equivalent to the above SQL statement?

Option A

SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM departments);

Option B

SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees NATURAL JOIN departments;

Option C

SELECT employee_id, d.department_id, department_name, salary FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON e.department _ id = d. department_id;

Option D

SELECT employee_id, department_id, department_name, Salary FROM employees JOIN departments USING (e.department_id, d.department_id);

Correct Answer C
Explanation Explanation/Reference: Explanation: This query shows correct JOIN ON clause syntax and provides equivalent to the above SQL statement. Incorrect Answers A: This statement will show data only for the EMPLOYEES table with records that have department ID from DEPARTMENTS table, not join result of two tables. B: NATURAL join selects rows from the tables that have equal values in all matched columns (same column names). If the columns having the same names have different datatypes, an error is returned. D: There is incorrect usage of JOIN clause with USING keyword. OCP Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL Exam Guide, Jason Couchman, p. 112-114 Chapter 3: Advanced Data Selection in Oracle

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