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Question ID 8110 | Your company wants to get each employee a $100 salary increment. You need to evaluate the results, from the EMP table prior to actual modification. If you do not want to store the result in the database which statement is valid? |
Option A | You need to add a column to the EMP table. |
Option B | You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the salary increment in the set clause of the update statement. |
Option C | You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the salary increment in the select clause of the select statement. |
Option D | You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the salary increment in the update clause of the select statement. |
Option E | You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the salary increment in the display clause of the select statement. |
Correct Answer | C |
Question ID 8111 | The employee table contains these columns First_Name VARCHAR2(25) Last_Name VARCHAR2(25) Evaluate these two SQL statements. 1. SELECT Concat(first_name, last_name) Length(concat(first_name, last_name) FROM employee WHERE UPPER (last_name) Like '%J' OR UPPER (last_name) Like '%K' ; 2. SELECT INITCAP (first_name) || initcap (last_name), Length (last_name) + Length (first_name) FROM employee WHERE INITCAP (SUBSTR (last_name, 1, 1)) IN ('J' , 'K' , 'L') How will the results differ? |
Option A | The statement will retrieve different data from the database. |
Option B | The statement will retrieve the same data from the database, but will display it differently. |
Option C | Statement1 will execute but statement2 will not. |
Option D | Statement2 will execute but statement1 will not. |
Correct Answer | A |